Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Disappointed and Ecstatic

There hasn't been much knitting going on here lately. I did finish BoyMonkey's camping socks. They are too thick to be worn in shoes, but will hopefully keep his feet warm at night when we're camping. The toe ends still need to be woven in, but I wanted to check the fit first. When BoyMonkey tried them on, they seemed to fit okay, but the heel was a little funky. We'll see how they work out in a couple of weeks when we go camping again.

Yesterday was supposed to be BoyMonkey's first day of summer school. I am so disappointed that it seems we didn't get signed up. I distinctly remember filling out the paper. I'm pretty sure I asked Roger to hand it in, but I might have done it myself. But somehow, the registration never got to the school director. I had asked for 5 days a week, with early care and lunch. Now, they can only fit us in Mon, Wed, and Fri with early care, but probably no lunch. The part that makes me feel so bad is that I know some of his best friends are only there Tues and Thurs, so he won't see them at all. I feel just sick about it.

The good news is that BoyMonkey pooped in the potty today! Sorry if this is TMI for some of you non-parents. We've known he's ready for quite a while. He's been peeing in the potty with no accidents since December. But he would only poop in a diaper. Twice now he's gone into his room himself, taken off his pants and underwear, put on a diaper and pooped. All of this without letting me know at all what's going on until after the fact. After lots of talking and convincing him that using the potty is a good thing and trying to bribe him with anything at all (a movie, a new toy, even a pet even though I really don't want one), today I put him down for his nap and asked him to please not poop in the diaper. The potty is right next to his bed. A couple of minutes after I left him alone, he called me in and showed me that he pooped in the potty! We did the poop dance! We called Daddy! We'll do something special (to be determined) after nap. Finally! I'm ecstatic!
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cockeyed said...

Even though my girls are 27 and 25 years old, I still remember those great "break-throughs"!!!!! Way to go Nathan!

Mrs. Featherbottom said...

Go Nathan! Yay for you!

Sorry about preschool, but I'm excited we can have playdates now.